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Version released.

29 June 2024

Download new release with better HDL export.

Version released.

29 May 2024

Download new release with HDL export and other new features.

Version released.

29 February 2024

Download new release with more speed, new Python and better look.

Version released.

28 April 2023

Download new release with more speed.

Version released.

3 February 2023

Download new release with more speed and less bugs.

Version released.

23 July 2022

Download new release with new features and Croatian language support.

Version released.

30 March 2022

Download new release.

Version released.

5 January 2022

Download new release with button keyboard shortcuts.

Version released.

14 January 2021

Download new release with fixes in Swedish translation and new Python.

Version released.

25 June 2020

Download new release with new features, bug fixes and Swedish translation.

Version released.

15 January 2020

Download new release with bug fixes.


Sometimes you want to combine visualization logic with display element itself. For example you want to have a hexadecimal display which has 4 bit input and showing hexadecimal digit on 7 segment display.

Starting from version you can do this. Just put display element on the circuit, add required logic with appropriate inputs. Open Logical Circuit dialog (you can do it via menu Circuit/Logical Circuit or just double click on an empty area of the circuit diagram). In the dialog check "Display visual elements on symbol" and click OK.

Creating display

Observe on the left panel of the program window that symbol of the circuit has changed and now it is showing 7 segment display itself.

New symbol of the display

Now when you use newly built display on other circuits it will display the value of its input.

You can nest displays one in another. For example you can use HEX display to build one byte hexadecimal display. Of course you’ll need to mark byte display to show it visual element on it symbol as well.

Nesting one display into another

You can use LEDs, LED matrixes, 7 segment displays, buttons, Graphics Arrays, and other logical circuit displays to build your display.

Here is an example of numeric keypad you can build.

Numeric keypad

Please download sample digital clock circuit project to see how it works.