Suggestion - Input Signal

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Suggestion - Input Signal

Post by LordG »

First, I just like to say that I have tried many Digital Logic Programs, and this has been the best. I had used a program called SIMUAID for a logic class. Luckily, the professor allowed us to use any program for a project. I chose Logic Circuit for our group. Our presentation was the most organized and visually appealing. However, in logic lab we were stuck using the SIMUAID program. It was very glitchy and not very user friendly. Logic circuit would have been an idea choice except for a few things. There isn't a programmable input signal. It is one of the few features that was good about SIMUAID and was required to show that the circuit worked for many different situations. Any one input signal can be programmed to be 1, 0, or Z at any desired time. There was also X and R which I do not know what they were for. The clock, should also be configured to have a clock cycle of a desired amount. There should also be a timing diagram similar to the oscilloscope that automatically shows what happens in the first desired amount of time. The timing diagrams were required in our reports. Time was in nanoseconds in SIMUAID. For Logic circuit, there should be other options, just cause nanoseconds is just way to fast for the oscilloscope. Posted a Microsoft word document with the pictures of our small project, timing diagrams, and timing options.
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Re: Suggestion - Input Signal

Post by admin »

Thanks for your suggestions.
Can you please explain what do you mean by programmable input? There are buttons you can use and if you need Z value you can build your own circuit that will do the trick. Please see Displays in help for more details. What do you mean by clock cycle? And what is the difference between timing diagram and oscilloscope?
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Re: Suggestion - Input Signal

Post by LordG »

A programmable input is an input just like the button and the constant input. It's more organized rather than trying to go through each input an press buttons that you need, especially if you need certain buttons to be pressed at the same time. Example:

Input Signal 1:

Time, Value:
0, 1
20, 0
40, 1

Time, Value:
0, 1
20, 0
30, 1
50, 0

The current frequency slider is ok. I think it would be better to have an option to enter a number as well. SIMUAID has the option to enter the clock period. Logic Circuit uses frequency.

The timing diagram on SIMUAID has the option to show what happens with the probes for the first desired amount of time.

On Circuit logic, I would have to press the desired buttons for testing, wait till the incoming signal reaches all the way to the left on the oscilloscope, stop it, then be able to take a pic for the reports. While on SIMUAID, it automatically shows it in a flash because the inputs were already programmed and no wait to see what happens. Amazingly, these are the only user friendly features on SIMUAID... Worst part is that it crashes a lot.

I also tested the oscilloscope, with a the clock, AND gate and a button. I pressed the button real quick enough for it to flash, but it didn't show up on the oscilloscope. This looks like a problem when it comes to testing for hazards.
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Re: Suggestion - Input Signal

Post by admin »

Thanks, that makes sense. I'll see what I can do.
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