Again Solved the problems I had earlier(thanks external input at home:P). But now I got my last probs that they here even can't seem to solve.
At 2000 points(8 apples) get the circuit some kind of weird spike. Somehow an rs turns into an oscillator but my clock stops working
This is the clock in my MR( Main Randomiser ) on the lower right corner for the screen. As far as I know isn't there a reason why it does that.
The second problem is that I can't put up my main screen as a stand alone circuit and attach to it my score display and input pad. Somehow it's not valid due to the state of the object

System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at LogicCircuit.Circuit.CreateDisplay(CircuitGlyph symbol, CircuitGlyph mainSymbol)
at LogicCircuit.CircuitGlyph.CreateDisplayGlyph(CircuitGlyph mainSymbol)
at LogicCircuit.CircuitGlyph.get_Glyph()
at LogicCircuit.CircuitSymbol.PositionGlyph()
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.Add(CircuitSymbol symbol)
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.RedrawDiagram()
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.CircuitProjectVersionChanged(Object sender, VersionChangeEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.StoreSnapshot.NotifyVersion(Int32 oldVersion, Int32 newVersion)
at LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.StoreSnapshot.Commit(Boolean withOmit)
at LogicCircuit.Editor.OpenLogicalCircuit(LogicalCircuit logicalCircuit)
at LogicCircuit.Mainframe.DescriptorMouseDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Aside from these details are all the other glitches out of the system. It has a score board, a game over when you run into a wall or your self, a reset for the screen a start button that puts the snake on the screen and even a pause button that stops the clock from entering the system.
Admin could you please look into it? I have been working on those errors for several days aside from the other thing I did but I can't find the source of these anywhere.
Note: It takes almost 1g of ram to play and 33% of my processor to load. It's became really heavy on the pc.
PS: It's "Wait till hold the reset for 4 seconds" instead of "Hold the reset for 4 seconds".