Project Snake

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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

I don't understand things anymore... The problem solved itself out of the blue(which I don't dislike :mrgreen: ) but now I have another thing :?
Somehow a feedback signal doesn't always go everywhere.... When Snake eats an apple it will get longer but the signal doens't always leave the screen row it is in. I tried rs flipflops to see how far the signal would go but even in the feedback line itself doesn't it always get the signal while snake does. The RS's act that with and without a clock so I don't think it's the flipflop that is not doing what it should do.

When you play the game you'll notice that it doesn't always add the score when you eat an apple. That's how I noticed that the feedback signal somehow doesn't work properly.

To start the game:
Wait for the light on the control pad to go on 4 times
Reset on the score display set to on,
Reset on the main screen set to on,
Reset on the score display set to off,
Start on until snake starts to move.
If you don't follow these steps the screen and/or the display can do really weird.
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

This is it. The previous was the display reset now connected:P
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

Again Solved the problems I had earlier(thanks external input at home:P). But now I got my last probs that they here even can't seem to solve.

At 2000 points(8 apples) get the circuit some kind of weird spike. Somehow an rs turns into an oscillator but my clock stops working :?:
This is the clock in my MR( Main Randomiser ) on the lower right corner for the screen. As far as I know isn't there a reason why it does that.

The second problem is that I can't put up my main screen as a stand alone circuit and attach to it my score display and input pad. Somehow it's not valid due to the state of the object :?:
System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at LogicCircuit.Circuit.CreateDisplay(CircuitGlyph symbol, CircuitGlyph mainSymbol)
at LogicCircuit.CircuitGlyph.CreateDisplayGlyph(CircuitGlyph mainSymbol)
at LogicCircuit.CircuitGlyph.get_Glyph()
at LogicCircuit.CircuitSymbol.PositionGlyph()
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.Add(CircuitSymbol symbol)
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.RedrawDiagram()
at LogicCircuit.EditorDiagram.CircuitProjectVersionChanged(Object sender, VersionChangeEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.StoreSnapshot.NotifyVersion(Int32 oldVersion, Int32 newVersion)
at LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.StoreSnapshot.Commit(Boolean withOmit)
at LogicCircuit.Editor.OpenLogicalCircuit(LogicalCircuit logicalCircuit)
at LogicCircuit.Mainframe.DescriptorMouseDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

Aside from these details are all the other glitches out of the system. It has a score board, a game over when you run into a wall or your self, a reset for the screen a start button that puts the snake on the screen and even a pause button that stops the clock from entering the system.

Admin could you please look into it? I have been working on those errors for several days aside from the other thing I did but I can't find the source of these anywhere.

Note: It takes almost 1g of ram to play and 33% of my processor to load. It's became really heavy on the pc.

PS: It's "Wait till hold the reset for 4 seconds" instead of "Hold the reset for 4 seconds".
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

Somehow I deleted the reset in the MR. You need to add a not on it.
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Re: Project Snake

Post by admin »

Thanks for reporting issues. I have fixed the first one and in the finishing fix for the second one. Please let me know if there is any other problems you are seeing.
And please share your final snake project. May be you can add a bit more comments in the project so people can better understand how it works?
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

I was already planning on adding a full explanation with the post. I'm also making separate circuits for all of the circuits I made so everyone can look how they work without having to damage the main project. Some of the circuits may be useful in other projects people are planning to do so giving them a hand is not a problem for me:)

And thanks for working on the issues. That will really help me^^
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

How far is the new version from being released? I would love to finish this project :)
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Re: Project Snake

Post by admin »

Please give a few more days
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Re: Project Snake

Post by superryan94 »

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Re: Project Snake

Post by admin »

New release is ready for download. Please visit
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