Flash Memory

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Flash Memory

Post by mutasim »

As we know Flash Memories is a EEPROM Type that save huge amount of data and any type of format, what am saying that possible to make Flash memory Chips
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by admin »

Yes, that's possible, just add RAM and make it preserve state between runs.
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by mutasim »

We need to read and write to binary files from programming language each binary file is a address of PINS or input/output that's helpful as i think
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by admin »

I am not quite understanding your question, but I will try to answer what I did understand.
If you need to store current state of your flash memory to file on your computer, you can do this. Just turn off your circuit and double click the memory in the dialog it will be a save button. This will write entire memory to a file. It is also work the other way around. You can click load button in the same dialog and load any file into your memory. So, if you have a language that complied to some binary file you can easily load the result into memory on your circuit.
If your question about the language itself and how to have a program that you compile and load in the memory, then you have a few options. One of them is you can try to use universal assembly language called Fusion. You can download the compiler and short documentation here: https://bitbucket.org/EugeneLepekhin/fusion/downloads
You will need to download Fusion.zip and extract files from the zip.
This language allows you to create any binary file from program in Fusion language. Please see documentation in the zip.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by mutasim »

OK is good language but what am saying i am writing my own programming language this language is in executable format that will be upload to the EEPROM and i have Reading option that will read the Binary file and also Write to Binary File in the Format of Binary 000000 e.g (ASCII) what i want is how the binary file can be address to input/output pins if that possible
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by admin »

If you want to know how to read and write data to the memory from your circuit please read this help article:
Hope this helped.
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by mutasim »

In the ROM/Ram you upload a Binary Text File or Hex that need to be programmed in circuit wish need more time to process my option is to upload a full programming language that will control the chip how ?? the CPU create a assembly language or machine language this language works with the all computer system what we need is to connect the chip with the CPU to make the executable works. better than the text. and also about the binary address for the pins or other is to send binary text 00000 e.g (ASCII) through the pin to the other chip and that will read.
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by admin »

Can you explain what programming language you are talking about? If it is assembler like language you can use Fusion to implement that language. If you have some high-level language and you want to build your own compiler than it is minimum of your problem to generate binary instead of text, but if you still want generate text you can again use Fusion to convert your text to binary.
Maybe it will help for me to understand your problem better if you provide some examples of what you need.
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by mutasim »

OK this is my project but i did not finish it yet but i want to show you what's my idea is
1- to set up the binary files i will but a XML file to generate the input/output files , the XML will save the input/output path or datatable
2- the code will have a assembler in high level language i will create the assembler base on the machine code
3- also Fonts will be created to output in the VGA , HTML compiler and tags , Colors
4- i will create a DLL from the project that compile the code , with C# parser
5- Add C# library inside the project from mono
6- Convert the High level Language to Assembler
7- Import DLL for any chip from other chips through Pins using binary file input/output and recompiled again
8- Create new input/output Binary files with the use of XML or datatable

but the Question the project is in C# and if i upload the executable file to the memory and read all the machine language do i need the C++ to backed with the Code

Also i have a project but i did not complete that take the feature of JHDL
The input/output for the binary files Path can be set through logic gates as i think or ROM that's the Question
The Compiler must be connect to the CPU directly because the executable must works in any chip
The Compiler
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Re: Flash Memory

Post by admin »

The dll is complicated format which contain compiled code as well as many other information. So, when you loading any dll into your memory it will do anything good for you. When windows is loading any exe or dll file it performing a lot of adjustments to the loaded file before it become ready for execution.
In any case, can you show some examples of your high-level language program and what your compiler will generate as assembler output? This way I probably will be able help you more with your project.
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