I am working on the circuit for a Finite State machine. I have verified my combinational logic with my truth table but I am missing one of the states when I connect the clock. I assume I am using the D flip flops wrong.
it goes through the states like this, with 1 0 missing
S1 S0
0 0
0 1
1 1
0 0
If anyone can tell me how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated! link to picture is below
Help request - 2bit state register not going through all states
Re: Help request - 2bit state register not going through all states
It is hard to understand your circuit from picture with cut wires. Which you actually can attach on this site so it won't be lost on other sites.
If you design your circuit in LogicCircuit software and post your project here you will have a better chance to be helped.
If you design your circuit in LogicCircuit software and post your project here you will have a better chance to be helped.
Re: Help request - 2bit state register not going through all states
I didn't realize at first that this forum was meant specifically for the LogicCircuit software and my circuit is built in circuitverse, but I will add the link to the circuit in case anyone can still help me. Also I have noticed that the software I am using is putting in t flip flops when I select the D flip flops, so that might be having an effect. Im going to try and fix that part.
https://circuitverse.org/users/243053/p ... 84b3c8968c
https://circuitverse.org/users/243053/p ... 84b3c8968c
Re: Help request - 2bit state register not going through all states
I just figured it out!! It was because i wasn't changing the input, not because the circuit was wrong