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Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:01 am
by markus
Thanks for the most userfriendly logic simulator I have met yet!

I use it with my eigth-graders with good results.

A function that would be really helpful for them when they are introduced to logic circuits is to be able to see which wires are live and which are not in the simulation mode without rewiring.

Thanks again,


Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:30 pm
by admin
Hi Markus,
Thank you for your support and suggestion.
In latest version you can just click and hold mouse button to see the state of wire when the power is on.
I hope this will help your kids.
Thank you,

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:49 am
by markus
Great, I have not noticed that.

I think it would be even better for their understanding if they could get an overview, perhaps by coloring live wires or something similar.

Thanks again for a great program.
