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Copy and paste not working properly

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:05 am
by Vavrik
Hi, I have problems using copy and paste in LogicCircuit. It always raises error 'Foreign key "FK_StartupCircuit_Project" violation.' with following details:
LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.ForeignKeyViolationException: Foreign key "FK_StartupCircuit_Project" violation.
v LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.TableSnapshot`1.ForeignKey`1.Validate()
v LogicCircuit.DataPersistent.StoreSnapshot.PrepareCommit()
v LogicCircuit.CircuitProject.InTransaction(Action action, Boolean commit)
v LogicCircuit.CircuitProject.CreateAndClose(XmlReader xmlReader)
v LogicCircuit.CircuitProject.Paste(String text)
v LogicCircuit.Editor.Paste()
v LogicCircuit.LambdaUICommand.Execute(Object parameter)

I can still use the functions by copying part of circuit, pasting it in Notepad, changing whatever is inside tag <lc:StartupCircuitId> to whatever is inside tag <lc:LogicalCircuitId> and copying and pasting that back into LogicCircuit. Is there a way to solve this?

Re: Copy and paste not working properly

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:44 pm
by admin
Thank for pointing this out. I've just fixed this bug. Please download a new version at: